What Are The Requirements For Taking A PCD Franchise / Pharma Franchise in India? – Are you thinking of taking up pharma franchise? Want to the basic requirements of PCD Franchise/pharma franchise from a reputed Pharma franchise company? The Pharmaceuticals industry is one of the fastest growing domains globally. The demand for quality medicines has risen over time with advancement in science and technology. The industry is said to be an estimated cost of more than 1 Trillion US dollar. In this blog, you will know what are the requirements for taking a Pharma Franchise!
The newly introduced concept of Pharma Franchise should not be confused over PCD Pharma Franchise. The two are similar except the part PCD is the miniature form which requires less investment, no qualification, less area under control and less pressure. On the other hand, Pharma franchise works on larger areas and involves large investment and good qualification & includes PCD also. So before choosing best pharma franchise company, you need to know the requirements to taking pharma franchise.
If you are thinking of establishing a business in the pharmaceuticals domain then you would not be disappointed. The industry is mushrooming everywhere with hundreds of companies to choose from. Are you new to this industry? Want to know the process? What are the requirements for taking a pharma franchise? We will help you get to know everything.
List Of Requirements For PCD/ Pharma Franchise
If you are an established business especially small to medium scale business, then this is the best business deal. The concept of franchise helps in mutual growth and gain the growth you were always looking but due to limitation, you could not. Read what are the requirements for taking a pharma franchise.
Constant Investment & Funding Planning
Business is a business and when you start a new business or go into a venture, the two utmost important things which will help you afloat is the investment and funding capabilities. It is best to make arrangements before to avoid inconvenience later on. A minimum investment planning should be maintained along with some amount of funding for the smooth running of business.
Once the business initializes it is difficult to estimate the expenditure first to gain the stability. Thus, it is best to calculate the minimum purchasing capabilities per month or any basis you think you need.
Vacant Monopoly Right
Monopoly means ruling of one party is the only supplier of that commodity. Thus, a Pharma Franchise monopoly agreement says one person or company at one location or zone as said in the agreement. If you want to have the monopoly right then it is best to look for the vacancy in the particular location or zone you are looking for.
Monopoly agreement is an important part of the deal. It is best to go with the company with written agreement or else demand one. This will help you get a secured business in future.
In Case of Group Of Persons Working Under Company Format
Pharma Franchise is not limited to only small to medium scale but also individuals and group of individuals who are thinking of working together as one organization. It is advised to register themselves as a partnership form to avoid any kind of inconvenience or chaos. Many times the partner may go into conflict when talking about the division of loss and profit during bankruptcy or bloom period.
A partnership contract binds them with subjected statements as per written in the agreement. The agreement will fall under registration of LLP (Limited Liability Partnership). It is for those who are starting a Private Limited company or Standalone Business. You can fill form through IndiaFiling, com by paying an amount of Rs 8000
Legal Registration For Pharma Business
Pharma business can be an exciting venture but involves strict laws. While trading medicines, drugs and generics they involve certain registration for involvement in the business.
Income Tax Registration
Under the business format, Income tax registration in mandatory after the government has passed strict laws against Income tax law breakers. Every state has its different way of handing the cases and procedure. Thus, it is best to involve now. TIN is compulsory in all cases of a Pharma business.
The following are the necessary registration to be done:
- VAT (Value Added Tax)
- CST ( Central Sales Tax)
- TIN (Tax Identification Number)
Pharmacy Drug License Is Compulsory
Download it online by paying the sum, amount or get it through the government office, a drug license is very important. If you do not have any kind of idea of this, consult a registered pharmacist or someone who owns it or have knowledge about it.
The government bodies which provide the license are:
- Central Drug Standard Control Organization
- State Drug Standard Control Organization
Qualification Requirement:
Pharma Franchise business needs 3 to 5 years of good experience in this field. The franchise offers greater advantages and greater degrees of responsibilities. Thus, it needs the qualification of at least or equivalent to SSC or graduation. The person should have knowledge of the common business terms like profit margin, loss and gain etc. it requires good salesmanship spirit.
Pharma Franchise is the best business format which will help you grow & Innovexia Life Science is the best in this field. We are offering a genuine investment of 6 to 7 lakhs with credited or loan facilities thereafter. Connect now for best deals.